Monday, April 30, 2007

Home is therapy

Home is a form of therapy. It's a base, a reference for comfort, a retreat, and a place where we create and enhance our own personal vision of life. Finding a desirable home, and selling the home that no longer fits our current needs, is a transition that can be both exciting and terrifying. It forces us to stretch our imagination (and often our budget) pulling us into the realm of committment...

I could continue my pseudo-philosophical spiel for who knows how long. What I'd like to do is recommend the following book which offers insight into several aspects of what homes have meant to us throughout American history and how environment shapes our psychological and emotional status, and vice versa.

House Thinking: A Room-by-Room Look at How We Live, by Winifred Gallagher. I am just finishing up this book. In one of many interesting points, Gallagher writes:

As mothers of small children or teens making personal phone calls know, [a bathroom's] locked door guarantees a few minutes' peace and quiet. A study of 200 households showed that regardless of a home's size, half of the residents who had only one bathroom felt stressed by their lack of living space, as opposed to 20 percent of those who had more than one (166).

The bathroom - the refuge - one of the few rooms with a door that locks and the only one where we can flush our problems away.

real estate blogging

welcome to my blogs! i have a passion and am delighted to share with you everything i know about and hope to learn regarding buying and selling real estate in southeast michigan. i invite your comments and questions. so please stay tuned for articles, other helpful information regarding this market, and photos of homes for sale. don't forget to check out my listings at